Who is a Donor?
A partner is an organization, business, or individual who helps us reach our goal in increasing the number of volunteers and donations.
What Is Our Unique Volunteer Model?
Every hour a volunteer contributes time towards Refugee Hope Partners; ServeMyCmunity matches the hour with a certain funding amount as a donation towards Refugee Hope Partners.
Encourage volunteers to donate time to Refugee Hope Partners because their time donated will be matched by funds provided by ServeMyCmunity.
Why Donate?
To help ServeMyCmunity assist Refugee Hope Partner with increasing the number of volunteers and donations
To support our unique volunteer model we need to receive donation from donors ,so that we can provide Refugee Hope Partners with a monthly donation
100% of all donations are used to benefit the students at Refugee Hope Partners
Helps fund the Launch Program to help Refugee Students get ready for college.
What Is The Donation Used For?
In 2019 Refugee Hope Partners:
115 backpacks were sold at their annual backpack and school supply sale
420 volunteers were engaged in the organization
ServeMyCmunity’s goal in 2020:
significantly increase the number of volunteers who are engaged in the organization
increase the amount of funding via donations through Refugee Hope Partners
ServeMyCmunity’s 2021 accomplishments:
We had 12 children attend college in 2020, and in 2021 we are on track to double that to 24. In 2020 and 2021, we also provided Chromebooks, headphones, and other equipment to the local refugee community to help children transition to virtual learning due to Covid-19. The need in our refugee community is only growing with the displacement of refugees from Afghanistan and other countries.
ServeMyCmunity’s 2022 accomplishments:
We had 32 children attend college in this Fall. We had 67 children enrolled in the program in 2022. To try to meet the children's needs in 2022, we will implement our math literacy program in an attempt to decrease the learning gap that was created by the Covid-19 pandemic.
ServeMyCmunity’s 2023 accomplishments:
This fall 54 children enrolled in the program started college. We currently have 55 children enrolled in the program. To meet the children's needs in 2023, we implemented a personal finance literacy program. We are also increasing the number of social and extracurricular events to ensure that students develop to their full potential and become confident, innovative, questioning, thoughtful, and open-minded citizens who contribute positively to the development of society. The need in our refugee community is only growing with the displacement of refugees from all around the world and the recent reduction of federal funding to help place and relocate these families.